MakerStock Blog — baltic
4th of July Maker Spotlight 2023
Posted by Gabriele Hanstein on

MakerStock's Maker Spotlight highlights the talented makers in our community. This month, our 4th of July themed Maker Spotlight features the awesome maker, Nick Sansone! Nick pushes the limits of making with the pieces he creates. All his projects are made from a mixture of acrylic and wood from MakerStock! His work consists of signage, badges, wall art, shadow boxes, and other larger projects. Nick is also an official OMTech Laser affiliate, another US based company. Nick is the creator of NPG creation shops and he is active on social media and Etsy. At NPG creation shops, he focuses...
- Tags: acrylic, baltic, laser, lasercutting
What is Baltic Birch Plywood?
Posted by Jaclyn Baldwin on

Baltic Birch Plywood, also known in the industry as Russian birch, originates from trees sourced in the Baltic Sea region, and is produced most commonly in Russia and Finland. It is available in many thicknesses, as well as in different grades, with B/BB and BB/BB among the most popular for lasering and furniture making. Baltic Birch is graded with letter designations for the face/back side of a panel, ranging from A (best quality) to C (utility grade). At MakerStock, we stock B/BB and BB/BB grade Baltic. B: Typically uniform light color, with no plugs/patches (football shaped oval patches about the...
- Tags: baltic, baltic birch, finished, phenolic, plywood, unfinished, uv